

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 221 Administration 31/07/2018 Regarding transfer of Shri Anil Kumar AD(E), P&D Unit, DG:AIR Regarding transfer of Shri Anil Kumar AD(E), P&D Unit, DG:AIR
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F No R_5_011_112_2018_445 Administration 20/07/2018 Pro active discloser under the Right to Information Act 2005 Pro active discloser under the Right to Information Act 2005
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 205/2018-PPC Administration 19/07/2018 Regarding transfer of Shri M. Anandan, DDG(E), DDK Chennai to DDK Guwahati and transfer of Shri R. Kirshnadass, DDG(E), DDK Thiruvananthpuram to DDK Chennai Regarding transfer of Shri M. Anandan, DDG(E), DDK Chennai to DDK Guwahati and transfer of Shri R. Kirshnadass, DDG(E), DDK Thiruvananthpuram to DDK Chennai
ADMINISTRATION WING AIR News 24(16) Administration 12/06/2018 Nibandh Pratiyogita(NSD,AIR) Nibandh Pratiyogita(NSD,AIR)
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat Accounting Circular no. 09 Finance Wing 29/05/2018 Guidelines to be Followed in Case of Merger of DDOs in Prasar Bharati- reg. Guidelines to be Followed in Case of Merger of DDOs in Prasar Bharati- reg.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat M 1 181 2014 PPC Administration 23/03/2018 Office Memorandum : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat. Office Memorandum : Regarding Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prasar Bharati Secretariat.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 9 Finance Wing 09/02/2018 Procedure to be followed in case of journey performed on official tours - reg. Procedure to be followed in case of journey performed on official tours – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 8 Finance Wing 15/12/2017 Method for determining proportion of revenue attributable to States/UTs received for advertisement services to Central Govt., Union Territories, a statutory body or a local authority Method for determining proportion of revenue attributable to States/UTs received for advertisement services to Central Govt., Union Territories, a statutory body or a local authority
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. ADG(BnA)/Acs/IUR/2016-17/1504-1519 Finance Wing 12/12/2017 Regarding Reconciliation of Inter-unit Remittance. Regarding Reconciliation of Inter-unit Remittance.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. PB-7(14)(1)/2016-Fin/GST/1435-1448 Finance Wing 15/11/2017 Decentrailsation of GST related work at State/UT Level - reg. Decentrailsation of GST related work at State/UT Level – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 7 Finance Wing 02/11/2017 Exemption from paying GST under Revenue Charge Mechanism (RCM) in case of purchases or service taken from Unregistered Dealers Exemption from paying GST under Revenue Charge Mechanism (RCM) in case of purchases or service taken from Unregistered Dealers
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Security Circular Administration 28/08/2017 Guidelines for monitoring attendance under Aadhar Enable Biometric Attendance System in Doordarshan installation Prasar Bharati Guidelines for monitoring attendance under Aadhar Enable Biometric Attendance System in Doordarshan installation Prasar Bharati
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 6 Finance Wing 21/08/2017 Clarifications and Additional Instructions related to GST Clarifications and Additional Instructions related to GST
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST CIRCULAR NO. 5 Finance Wing 03/08/2017 Instructions relating to submission of data for timely filing of GST Returns - reg. Instructions relating to submission of data for timely filing of GST Returns – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST CIRCULAR NO. 3 Finance Wing 18/07/2017 Review of exiting contracts and agreements - reg. Review of exiting contracts and agreements – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 4 Finance Wing 18/07/2017 Various formats to be used under the GST regime - reg. Various formats to be used under the GST regime – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST CIRCULR NO. 1 Finance Wing 12/07/2017 Guidelines for smooth implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Prasar Bharati - reg. Guidelines for smooth implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Prasar Bharati – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 2 Finance Wing 12/07/2017 Instructions for all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) of AIR and Doordarshan for implementation of GST Instructions for all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) of AIR and Doordarshan for implementation of GST
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan Security Circular Administration 18/04/2017 Display of identity Cards and checking of Bag and Baggage through X-Ray Machine Display of identity Cards and checking of Bag and Baggage through X-Ray Machine
ADMINISTRATION WING AIR News JTS Administration 01/04/2017 Final Seniority List of Junior Grade of Indian Information Service Group A (JTS) as on 01.4.2017. Final Seniority List of Junior Grade of Indian Information Service Group A (JTS) as on 01.4.2017.