

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
FINANCE WING Doordarshan SBM-IU/1372 Finance Wing 21/12/2018 Monthly Status of outstanding audit paras by all Kendras Units in respect of audit conducted by respective director of audit and by MIB by 20th of each month Monthly Status of outstanding audit paras by all Kendras Units in respect of audit conducted by respective director of audit and by MIB by 20th of each month
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 351/2018-PPC Administration 20/12/2018 Regarding transfer of Shri G S Kesarvani DD(E) to T and C/Commercial Division of PB Secretariat Regarding transfer of Shri G S Kesarvani DD(E) to T and C/Commercial Division of PB Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 352/2018-PPC Administration 20/12/2018 Regarding transfer of two PEXs in CRD Delhi Regarding transfer of two PEXs in CRD Delhi
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat PB/B-1011/7(19)/part file/2018-19/Rel/376 Finance Wing 20/12/2018 Regarding Merging of DDOs of AIR/DD Regarding Merging of DDOs of AIR/DD
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan 904/13/2018 Scor II Administration 20/12/2018 Swachhta Pakhwada activities and publicity coverage to be undertaken during 2019 regardingrn Swachhta Pakhwada activities and publicity coverage to be undertaken during 2019 regardingrn
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No B-1/011/2_X_2018-19/Budget/213 Finance Wing 19/12/2018 Regarding Revised Estimates 2018-19 under Grants in aid Salaries and Sub heads of IEBR Communication of approved budget Regarding Revised Estimates 2018-19 under Grants in aid Salaries and Sub heads of IEBR Communication of approved budget
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 350/2018-PPC Administration 19/12/2018 Regarding assignment of additional charge of DD Parl/IR to Shri Anindya Bhattacharya DD GA II and Shri Rajesh Chandra DD GA I during the mandatory training period of Shri Sandeep Kumar Sinha DD Parl IR Regarding assignment of additional charge of DD Parl/IR to Shri Anindya Bhattacharya DD GA II and Shri Rajesh Chandra DD GA I during the mandatory training period of Shri Sandeep Kumar Sinha DD Parl IR
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 350/2018-PPC Administration 19/12/2018 Regarding assignment of additional charge of DD Parl/IR to Shri Anindya Bhattacharya DD GA II and Shri Rajesh Chandra DD GA I during the mandatory training period of Shri Sandeep Kumar Sinha DD Parl IR Regarding assignment of additional charge of DD Parl/IR to Shri Anindya Bhattacharya DD GA II and Shri Rajesh Chandra DD GA I during the mandatory training period of Shri Sandeep Kumar Sinha DD Parl IR
ENGINEERING WING Doordarshan 14(51)2018/EIII 504 Technical 19/12/2018 Advertisement and Publicity regarding new frequency assignment Advertisement and Publicity regarding new frequency assignment
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan A 50013/217/2018 BAP Administration 19/12/2018 National Entrepreneurship Award 2018 National Entrepreneurship Award 2018
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat F No A-10011/4/2017-PPC Administration 19/12/2018 CORRIGENDUM TO ORDER No 348/2018-PPC Regarding transfer of 04 nos Officers to B and A Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat CORRIGENDUM TO ORDER No 348/2018-PPC Regarding transfer of 04 nos Officers to B and A Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER NO 349/2018-PPC Administration 19/12/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Ms. Divya Anand, Asstt. Section Offier in Prasar Bharati Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Ms. Divya Anand, Asstt. Section Offier in Prasar Bharati
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 348/2018-PPC Administration 18/12/2018 Regarding transfer of 04 nos. Officers to B and A Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat Regarding transfer of 04 nos. Officers to B and A Wing in Prasar Bharati Secretariat
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. PB-7_14_1/2018-FIN/GST/2370-94 Finance Wing 18/12/2018 Corrigendum To GST Circular No 11 regarding Applicability of GST TDS w.e.f. 01.10.2018 Corrigendum To GST Circular No 11 regarding Applicability of GST TDS w.e.f. 01.10.2018
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 28012/6/2013-BI Finance Wing 18/12/2018 Deduction of Income Tax by clients, banks and others regarding Deduction of Income Tax by clients, banks and others regarding
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat GST Circular No. 11 Finance Wing 18/12/2018 Applicability of GST TDS w.e.f. 01.10.2018 - reg. Applicability of GST TDS w.e.f. 01.10.2018 – reg.
GST MATTERS Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. PB-7(14)(1)/2018-FIN/GST/2370-94 Finance Wing 18/12/2018 Corrigendum To GST Circular No. 11 regarding Applicability of GST w.e.f. 01.10.2018 Corrigendum To GST Circular No. 11 regarding Applicability of GST w.e.f. 01.10.2018
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 28012/6/2013 BI Finance Wing 18/12/2018 Deduction of Income Tax by clients banks and others regarding Deduction of Income Tax by clients banks and others regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 346/2018-PPC Administration 17/12/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Shri Dilip Kumar Das, APLO in AIR/DDK Bhubneswar Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Shri Dilip Kumar Das, APLO in AIR/DDK Bhubneswar
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No 347/2018-PPC Administration 17/12/2018 Regarding transfer of Ms. S Ajitha, Director(E), AIR Madurai to AIR Tutricorn and cancellation of her transfer to AIR Nagpur order Regarding transfer of Ms. S Ajitha, Director(E), AIR Madurai to AIR Tutricorn and cancellation of her transfer to AIR Nagpur order