
To Advertise on AIR

AIR Commercial Services

The Central Sales Unit at Mumbai is the major commercial office that procures and executes ad-business on All India basis for AIR, while its 15 Commercial Broadcasting Service Centers handle ad-sales regionally. In the pyramid below are Sales teams at each AIR station catering to local clients. This sales structure in AIR is supported by the Commercial and Revenue Divisions (CRD) of Prasar Bharati, located in the 4 metros providing a common window to clients desirous of booking ads on AIR and Doordarshan channels locally or anywhere in the country. The CRD’s procure business and pass it on to the concerned AIR CBS Centre or CSU Mumbai or to the Doordarshan Channels as the case may be, for broadcast and billing.

AIR accepts ad bookings through Accredited agencies/Registered agencies/Canvassers/ and directly from Govt. Clients: Accredited agencies are given credit facility of 45 days for making payment. Government clients are entitled for a credit period of 60 days. Registered agencies/Canvassers are to pay in advance for any ad booking.

In AIR, for FM transmission, the entire 24 hours’ time of a day is divided into three categories. Similarly for Primary channel, LRS stations and Vividh Bharati services are divided in various programme / time categories and accordingly have different rates.

Time Categories for Ad booking

  1. For FM Channels: Prime Time : 0700 – 1100, 1700 – 2300 hours Mid Prime Time: 1100 – 1700 hours Non-Prime Time: 2300 – 0700 hours
  2. For Vividh Bharati: Category I : 0630-1000, 1900-2300 hours Category II : 0600-0630, 1000-1200 1330-1430, 2300-2330 hours Category III : 1200-1330, 1430-1900 hours Vividh Bharati Stations are divided in to three Groups A, B, C .
  3. Primary Channels stations and LRS are divided in four different Groups, and
  4. Programmes are divided in two broad categories mainly music and non-music.

Inventory for Commercial Purposes:

  1. Spot Buy: Booking of Spot buys is done in tranches of 10 seconds or its multiples (restricted up to 120 seconds) in various programmes as per grouping of the station and time/ programme category.
  2. Sponsorship Packages: The in- house programmes are sponsored by clients as per the rates of a particular station. These sponsorship could be for a program series or event for a certain time duration viz. month, quarter, half year or year. Clients buy bulk FCT (Free Commercial Time) for a fixed sponsorship amount. This deal may be for a program series or event for a certain time duration viz. month, quarter, half year or year.
  3. Sponsored Programmes: These programmes are mainly produced by outside agency for broadcast on AIR by giving a prescribed fee for the same. These programmes are accepted for 15 min, 10 min and 5 min by giving FCT of 60 seconds, 40 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. On the request of clients sometimes the Production of these programmes is also done in-house by charging a production fee for the same.
  4. Special Events: Events like live commentary of Cricket and other matches, International sporting events like Olympic, Commonwealth games, Marathon, Sports events etc. are special events marketed by CRD and other units of AIR like CSU, CBS and all AIR stations for which special rates are devised.

Based on the rate card of advertising for All India Radio, advertising agencies/ clients send release orders (RO) and schedules for a fixed period. The booking is finalized through a contract signed between the clients/agency and All India Radio for different inventories. CBS stations / concerned AIR stations maintain a schedule register for each program. Register contains agency name, client name, SBR/ sponsorship package, amount etc. On the right side of the register, details of spots scheduled, client name, brand name, status like SBR, sponsorship/ sponsored programme and rate etc. is detailed. A separate register is maintained showing the account of each client’s FCT Purchased, Consumption, etc. Specimen copy of these registers, various reports and other records can be studied during SRS.

Commercial Cue Sheet: A day before the broadcast, the CCS (Commercial Cue Sheet) is prepared, which reflects the commercials booked for various programs. For a 30 minute program, 3 break bumpers and for 60 minute program, 5 break bumpers are provided to insert commercials. An authorized officer from CBS/Commercial section of the AIR station prepares the CCS. The monthly schedule prepared by CSU/ CBS is sent electronically to different AIR stations.

Credit Lines: E.g. “This program is brought to you by…” are allowed as value additions to sponsors before and after the program.

Commercial Rates

Sr.No Rate File Description Effective From File Path
1. Mann Ki Baat Rates 17-Jul-2018 MKB 29th July 2018.pdf
2. India England Cricket Series 2018 28-Jun-2018 India England Cricket Series 2018.pdf
3. 18th Asian Games 2018 07-May-2018 18th Asian Games 2018.pdf
4. Rate Card of CSU (Latest) 01-Jun-2017 RateCard2017(Latest).pdf

AIR Resources

A Technology Centre for marketing the vast infrastructure resources of Prasar Bharati. Prasar Bharati one of the largest broadcast facilities setup in its two organisations – All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD) catering to one billion people.

AIR Resources provides total solution for Broadcasting, audio, video and tele-communication needs by pooling from Prasar Bharati’s vast reservoir of resources in the form of Infrastructure, Human Resources and Technical Expertise in the field of broadcasting and related areas.

AIR Resources is open to commercial opportunities & Revenue Earning ventures in the field of broadcasting covering planning, installation, operation & maintenance of broadcast facilities.


To initiate appropriate measures & develop business opportunities to undertake profitable projects and activities in broadcasting sector.

To allow other broadcasters / telecom providers to use Prasar Bharati hardware / software infrastructure by charging licence fee / usage fee.

To provide consultancy & services to various broadcasting organizations, private companies, telecom service providers, ISPs etc.

To undertake system design, integration with existing infrastructure, drawing of specifications, costing, formulation of proposals & other related works for the clients.

To undertake installation, operation and maintenance of broadcasting facilities.

To harness inner strengths of the organisation to identify, develop and consolidate its resource base.

To generate revenue by taking profitable venture in the field of broadcasting, computers and communications.

To provide world class consultancy services and undertake turnkey jobs in the specialised field of broadcast engineering and related areas.

To facilitate growth of Indian Broadcasting & Telecommunication sector by optimal utilization of Broadcasting facilities and resources.

To become premier national and global provider of broadcast transmission infrastructure and related services.

Services Offered:

  1. Sharing of Prasar Bharati Infrastructure such as Tower, (STL Tower, self supporting SW tower, integrated TV/FM tower) building, land on licence fee basis, on most competitive rates to Broadcast Service Providers. Towers and space to Mobile operators on rental : Very affordable Rate Card, upto 70 mtr. Tower, covered space and Open space for Pvt. FM Broadcasters on very affordable rates to have minimum gestation period in all 91 cities proposed by Ministry of I&B under Phase-II Scheme.
  2. Consultancy services including feasibility studies, turn-key jobs and operations & maintenance in the specialized fields of:
    1. Terrestrial Broadcasting for Radio and Television : This includes the frequency planning, coverage planning, system design, installation, testing and commissioning, operation and maintenance of terrestrial broadcast FM/MW/SW transmitter networks.
    2. Satellite Broadcasting: This includes planning and system design, execution and operation of fixed and mobile (SNG) uplink and down-link systems using both analog and digital technologies.
    3. Studio systems including interior design, acoustics, state-of-the-art Radio & TV studios and post production equipment.
    4. Data Broadcasting & Internet Broadcasting.
    5. Acoustics and audio video system for theatres, auditoriums and conference halls.
  3. Turnkey solutions for establishment of 50 Watt FM Community Radio Station for Universities/Colleges/Residential Schools.
  4. Selling of Air time on MW/FM/SW Broadcast transmitter network of AIR to educational/ agricultural institutes.
  5. Providing on site and institutional training in various disciplines of broadcasting. Project Implementation and co-ordination. Software development, Non-linear Editing and Animation. Operation and Maintenance of broadcast Transmitter and Studio Equipment. Network Planning and Management.
  6. Software development and content packaging.
  7. Civil & Electrical construction work specially for broadcasting setups, Auditoriums and conference halls etc.
  8. Transfer of Technology. Remote Telemetry system for FM Broadcast Transmitter. FM Broadcast Transmitter & Antenna. Digital News gathering for Radio PSTN/ Cellular/ SAT Phone/ ISDN. Radio News room Automation system. RDS & DARC on FM transmitters.
  9.  Performance Measurement and Field Strength Survey Analysis of Broadcast System after completing Project.
  10. Test facilities for Acoustic material testing Acoustical measurements and Electro Acoustic Transducer Testing.

Key objectives in every project undertaken are: Flexible, state-of-the-art and cost effective solution to every customer’s specific requirement. Emphasis on total professional approach, on schedule completion of projects and customer satisfaction. High quality and cost effective operation and maintenance support. Consultancy and advice in selection of appropriate equipment in customer’s best interest. Technical Expert Services Groups Acoustics Engg., Antenna Engg., Audio Engineering, Automation, Telemetry, FM Data Broadcasting, DRM, Digital Video, Internet, Networking, Propagation and Frequency Planning, Satellite & Microwave, Video Systems.

Infrastructure: Studio set-ups, transmitters, Terrestrial & Satellite Linking system, lands & buildings

Man power: Core team of 3400 qualified Engineering Managers/ Expert Engineers to do basic work of consultancy, soliciting business, technical design, Draws the staff form Prasar Bharati to execute projects and activities.

Management: AIR Resources’ set up and managed on the lines of profit centres in a corporate entity under AIR. At apex. Level CEO, Prasar Bharati assisted by an empowered committee consisting of DG:AIR, Engineering-In-Chief (AIR), DDG(F), ADG (AIR Resources). ADG (AIR Resources), responsible for implementation of projects & fulfilling commitments to the clients.


  • Providing turnkey solutions to IGNOU in setting up FM Transmitters for Gyan Vani channels at 40 places in the country. – Sixteen Gyan-Vani stations at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Allahabad, Lucknow, Coimbatore, Visakhapatnam, Mysore, Varanasi, Raipur, Rajkot, Jabalpur, Bangalore, Bhopal, Guwahati & Mumbai have been commissioned. At other 18 places Installation is in progress.
  • Providing Prasar Bharati’s Infrastructure viz. land, building and tower on rental basis to IGNOU at all Gyan Vani stations, Private broadcasters at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Lucknow; BSNL- at Chennai, Port Blair, Ahemdabad, Sholapur, Vishakhapatnam, Bhopal, Sholapur and Udhampur; MTNL-at New Delhi; AIRTEL at Port Blair, Banswara, Mount Abu, Guwahati, Jowai, Jorhat; HUTCH at Chennai and seven places in Rajasthan; Reliance Infocomm at Bhadrawati and Shillong; TATA Teleservices at Mount Abu.
  • Undertaken Operation and Maintenance of 16 IGNOU Gyan Vani transmitting stations.
  • AIR Resources has signed MoU with the Universities / Educational institutions for providing turnkey consultancy services for setting up their Community Radio Stations.
  • Provided Airtime on 96 FM Tr. in AIR network to Deptt. Of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture for broadcasting of KISAN- VANI Programme.
  • Providing Airtime on AIR 10 kW FM Tr. At AIR, Shillong to IGNOU for Gyan Vani Channel.
  • Providing AIR Studio facilities to IGNOU at Rajkot, Jabalpur, Varanasi, Guwahati, Shillong.
  • AIR Resources has earned Revenue of Rs. 19.70 crores during last year (2004-05).
  • Achieved a turnover of Rs.55.07 Crores since its inception in May 2001.

Primary Channel Stations showing Coverage Area under Primary Service Area (PSA)

Contact Details

Address PABX No FAX No
Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India), Central Sales Unit, All India Radio,New Broadcasting House, Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai – 400 020. 022 2202 6242 22876040

Contact Persons

Director Of Sales Asst. Director of Sales Programme Executives Scheduling Section Administrative Officer (Billing)
022-22029427 022-22024578 022-22886016 022-22024075 022-22027621

Email Id’s

For Booking of AIR Time For Billing & Outstanding For All Purpose
sales[at]csuair[dot]org[dot]in billing[at]csuair[dot]org[dot]in aircsu[at]vsnl[dot]com

Commercial Revenue Division

1 BENGALURU pbmktgbgl[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in 080-22350173
2 DELHI mktgdivdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com 011-23421030
3 KOLKATA pbmktgkol[at]gmail[dot]com 033-24128915 033-24128916
4 MUMBAI dirddmktg[at]gmail[dot]com 022-24905076 022-24905077 022-24905078

Commercial Broadcasting Service Centers

1 CBS AHMEDABAD cbsamd[at]gmail[dot]com 079-27541597
2 CBS BANGALORE cbsblr[at]gmail[dot]com 080-22268697
3 CBS BHOPAL bhopalvb[at]gmail[dot]com 0755-2660201
4 CBS CHANDIGARH chandigarh[dot]cbs[at]air[dot]org[dot]in 0172-2601847
5 CBS CHENNAI sd[dot]cbs[dot]chennai[at]gmail[dot]com 044-24985818
6 CBS CUTTACK cbscuttack2008[at]gmail[dot]com 0671-2301210
7 CBS DELHI cbsair[at]gmail[dot]com 011-23421028
8 CBS HYDERABAD sdcbshyd[at]gmail[dot]com 040-23240452
9 CBS JAIPUR cbsjaipur[at]gmail[dot]com 0141-2368761
10 CBS KANPUR cbskanpur[at]gmail[dot]com 0512-2555755
11 CBS KOLKATA cbskolkata2015[at]gmail[dot]com 033-22487648
12 CBS MUMBAI cbsmumbai2010[at]gmail[dot]com 022-22029556
13 CBS PATNA patnacbs[at]gmail[dot]com 0612-2225042
14 CBS SRINAGAR sdcbssrinagar[at]gmail[dot]com 0194-2455071
15 CBS TRIVANDRUM cbsairtvm[at]gmail[dot]com 0471-2322349