

Wing Office Order No. Section / Division Start Date Subject / Particular Download
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 296/2018-PPC Administration 22/10/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Shri N. P. Joshi as Director (Admn) for one more year i.e. 5th year Regarding extension of deputation tenure in respect of Shri N. P. Joshi as Director (Admn) for one more year i.e. 5th year
ADMINISTRATION WING Doordarshan File No. 11/09/12th-DD Awards 2018 Administration 22/10/2018 Entry Form of 12th DD Annual Award 2018 Entry Form of 12th DD Annual Award 2018
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. N-10/001(3)/2017-PBRB Administration 18/10/2018 Order regarding merger of the posts of Inspector of Accounts and Senior Administrative Officer in the Administrative cadre of AIR and Doordarshan. Order regarding merger of the posts of Inspector of Accounts and Senior Administrative Officer in the Administrative cadre of AIR and Doordarshan.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 293/2018-PPC Administration 18/10/2018 Regarding Shri Rajesh Kumar, DDG(E) retained at AIR Najibadad till 31.03.2019 and the addl. charge of SPT Rajkot to Shri Ramesh Chand Ahirwar, DDG(E) AIR Rajkot. Regarding Shri Rajesh Kumar, DDG(E) retained at AIR Najibadad till 31.03.2019 and the addl. charge of SPT Rajkot to Shri Ramesh Chand Ahirwar, DDG(E) AIR Rajkot.
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 2018-B-I Finance Wing 17/10/2018 Allocation of additional budget to 13 Kendras Field Units in the head Salary and OAE under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19 regarding Allocation of additional budget to 13 Kendras Field Units in the head Salary and OAE under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19 regarding
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat CORRIGENDUM TO OFFICE ORDER No. 246/2018-PPC Administration 16/10/2018 Regarding clarification made in place of posting of Shri Satyajeet Dash, DDG(E). Regarding clarification made in place of posting of Shri Satyajeet Dash, DDG(E).
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 292/2018-PPC Administration 16/10/2018 Regarding repatriation of Sh. Vikram Negi, Private Secretary on deputation, from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. the afternoon of 16.10.2018. Regarding repatriation of Sh. Vikram Negi, Private Secretary on deputation, from Prasar Bharati w.e.f. the afternoon of 16.10.2018.
PROGRAMME WING Doordarshan 14/1/2018 PIII NE Program Related 16/10/2018 Engagement of an agency for Channel Packaging work of DD-Arunprabha Engagement of an agency for Channel Packaging work of DD-Arunprabha
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 20011/09/2018 BI Finance Wing 16/10/2018 Allocation of additional budget to 17 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19 reg Allocation of additional budget to 17 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018-19 reg
FINANCE WING Doordarshan 2018-B1 Finance Wing 16/10/2018 Allocation of additional budget to 17 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018 19 regarding Allocation of additional budget to 17 Kendras Field Units in the head Software Programme Expenses under Revenue Non Plan IEBR during 2018 19 regarding
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. Misc-01/001(6)2018-19/Budget Finance Wing 15/10/2018 Analysis of Rationalization of Security Guards at offices of Prasar Bharati. Analysis of Rationalization of Security Guards at offices of Prasar Bharati.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 290/2018-PPC Administration 15/10/2018 Regarding retention of the following two UDCs on promotion as HC(Accountant) at their present place of posting - (1) Shri D. S. Samant and (2) Smt. T. Sumanthi. Regarding retention of the following two UDCs on promotion as HC(Accountant) at their present place of posting   – (1) Shri D. S. Samant and (2) Smt. T. Sumanthi.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. B-1/011/1(1)2018-19/Budget/161 Finance Wing 12/10/2018 Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement for the month of August, 2018 under Central Sector Scheme Projects and Other Central Sector Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati. Forwarding of Monthly Expenditure Statement for the month of August, 2018 under Central Sector Scheme Projects and Other Central Sector Expenditure during the financial year 2018-19 in respect of Prasar Bharati.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. PB-10(14)-NPS/595-600 Finance Wing 12/10/2018 Regarding Effective implementation of New Pension Scheme. Regarding Effective implementation of New Pension Scheme.
ENGINEERING WING NABM NABM/TC/183648/CI/2018 Technical 12/10/2018 Call letter for Orientation Course for Assistant Director ( Engg. ) of All India Radio/Doordarshan from 22nd to 31st October, 2018 at NABM Delhi. Call letter for Orientation Course for Assistant Director ( Engg. ) of All India Radio/Doordarshan from 22nd to 31st October, 2018 at NABM Delhi.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 288/2018-PPC Administration 12/10/2018 Regarding retention of Shri Vinod K., LDC, CBS AIR Kochi on promotion as UDC in CBS AIR Kochi by shifting the post of UDC from DMC Kannur. Regarding retention of Shri Vinod K., LDC, CBS AIR Kochi on promotion as UDC in CBS AIR Kochi by shifting the post of UDC from DMC Kannur.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 289/2018-PPC Administration 12/10/2018 Regarding on joining DG:AIR by Shri D. K. Gupta, AD(E) on transfer. Regarding on joining DG:AIR by Shri D. K. Gupta, AD(E) on transfer.
FINANCE WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat No. TC-1/011(I)/2018-19/29 Finance Wing 12/10/2018 Office Order - Reg. Extension of Bonus Scheme under rationalization of Rate card of DD National, for Corporate Clients. Office Order – Reg. Extension of Bonus Scheme under rationalization of Rate card of DD National, for Corporate Clients.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 286/2018-PPC Administration 11/10/2018 Regarding reporting for duty at PB Sectt. by Sh. Alok Kumar Sharma, DDE as Dy. Director (PBRB) w.e.f. 01.10.2018. Regarding reporting for duty at PB Sectt. by Sh. Alok Kumar Sharma, DDE as Dy. Director (PBRB) w.e.f. 01.10.2018.
ADMINISTRATION WING Prasar Bharati Secretariat OFFICE ORDER No. 287/2018-PPC Administration 11/10/2018 Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Sh. Yogesh Gera, Assistant Section Officer in Prasar Bharati for the one more year w.e.f. 01.12.2018 to 30.11.2019. Regarding extension of deputation tenure of Sh. Yogesh Gera, Assistant Section Officer in Prasar Bharati for the one more year w.e.f. 01.12.2018 to 30.11.2019.